The Sacred Path is not for a select few,
it is not a classified path.
But it is special and sacred!
And by sacred I mean Divine,
of worth, of value.
And for those who choose to
honour and respect Life.
It is a path chosen by those
who are ready to be curious
about magic and miracles.
Those who take this path do so
with joy and ‘inner-standing’ that
it may be difficult at times,
and that’s ok.
‘Inner-standing’ & ‘inner-knowing’
that the Truth is personal
and within each man and woman
is where this resides.




My life has been a miracle since the day I was born! Full of mystery and magic.
It all began one winter morning in November. No mobile phones or whatsapp in those days. So, my father drove round the neighbourhood hollering to friends and family that I was ‘on my way’! My mother gave birth to me in our wood-cabin on Vancouver Island, Canada. With an audience of eight children and four adults to welcome me. I took my first breath on the stage of life arriving in celebration!  As my consciousness hit the ground running I was blessed to receive a Spiritual Wise Woman as my mother. The journey from there is long and exciting with many twists and turns. As I’m sure is your tale. May we share our stories with one another to empower and grow.

Maybe it was the magic and sacredness of a home birth that determined the course of my wild and crazy life. But however wonderful and natural my entrance seemed, like many people, my journey of personal discovery was not easy.

Born into a violent family home. My mother left my father when I was just one. Uprooted, fleeing the country and moving house nine times before I reached five years of age. My childhood was clouded with nightmares, low self-esteem, repressed and unexpressed emotions. Fast forward to my teenage years when I experienced various mental health issues; self harm, bulimia and a poorly attempted suicide. Even though many challenges filled my childhood, even more wonderful moments brightened all the corners.

The depth of darkness and upset opened up the possibility of deep transformation.
Willingly, or unwillingly at times, I took on the quest of the Heroines journey.  
Allowing me eventually to rise like a phoenix out of its own ashes. 

  • “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

    ~Albert Einstein

  • “The unexamined life is not worth living.”


  • “The journey between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place.”

    ~Barbara De Angeli

  Your life is a work of art… And you are the artist !!!
With each new day you are free to choose yet more threads of vibrant colours
or cooling colours, weaving intricate or simple patterns into new worlds and galaxies.
The rich tapestry of your life’s experiences fill your heart and soul.
As your light shines you inspire others to continue on their journey.